Wednesday, August 21, 2013


On deposition of April 29, 2011(page 200) Bank of America’s attorneys requested information from my new job at TD Bank. They wanted to know address, telephone number and name of my boss. I refused to tell them. I was afraid that my new job might risk.
On February 24, 2012 the attorneys told the judge that the day of the Deposition I refused to answer their questions about my new job. The judge asked to the lawyers why they wanted details. They responded it was only for their files and they won’t contact TD bank.

The judge ordered me to give to the lawyers the requested information. A few days later my manager at TD bank called me to his office to show me 9 documents sent by Bank America lawyers and they were to be sent to the legal department. TD bank responded with 99 documents detailing all my working time at TD bank including my breaks. Later, I was in shock when the manager at TD Bank asked me for medical letters to continue using the chair that I've always had since the beginning of my job at the bank. For more than one year, I never had problems to sit during my hours of work. The Manager also said that although I provide medical letters he would limit the time of seating.  From that moment my desire to rebuild my professional life collapsed.

1- New job Information letter dated February 27, 2012
2- Requesting records
3- Affidavit for records
4- Declaration of custodian records
5- List of records
6- Notice of subpoena
7- Certificate of service
8- Proof of service
9- Subpoena to produce records
10- Letter from Attorneys dated March 6, 2012
11- Schedule A
12- Federal Rule
13- TD records
14- TD response (99 documents)
15- Letter to judge dated March 12, 2012
16- Letter to judge dated April 17, 2012
17- Letter to judge dated April 23, 2012
18- Doctor medical leave (Emotional distress)









En la declaración del 29 de abril de 2011, (página 200) los  abogados del banco de América solicitaron información de mi nuevo trabajo en TD Bank. Ellos querían saber la dirección, número de teléfono y el nombre de mi jefe. Me negué a decirles. Yo temía que podrían en riesgo mi nuevo trabajo.
El  24 De febrero de 2012 Los abogados le dijeron al juez que el día de la declaración me negué a responder sus preguntas a cerca de mi nuevo empleo.
El juez  preguntó a los abogados por qué querían saber  detalles de mi nuevo trabajo. Ellos respondieron que era solo para sus archivos y que no contactarían TD bank.

El juez me ordenó dar a los abogados toda la información solicitada. Pocos días después mi gerente me llamó a su oficina para enseñarme 9 documentos enviados por los abogados de Banco América y que debían ser enviados al departamento legal. TD bank respondió con 99 documentos detallando hasta mis descansos. Más tarde estuve in shock cuando mi gerente en TD bank me pidió cartas médicas para continuar usando la silla que siempre tuve desde el comienzo de mi trabajo en el banco. Por más de un año nunca tuve problemas para sentarme en mis horas de trabajo. El gerente me advirtió que aunque presentara cartas médicas me limitarían el tiempo para sentarme. A partir de ese momento se derrumbó mi vida profesional.

1- New job Information letter dated February 27, 2012
2- Requesting records
3- Affidavit for records
4- Declaration of custodian records
5- List of records
6- Notice of subpoena
7- Certificate of service
8- Proof of service
9- Subpoena to produce records
10- Letter from Attorneys dated March 6, 2012
11- Schedule A
12- Federal Rule
13- TD records
14- TD response (99 documents)
15- Letter to judge dated March 12, 2012
16- Letter to judge dated April 17, 2012
17- Letter to judge dated April 23, 2012

18- Doctor medical leave (Emotional distress)

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